Friday, December 21, 2012


I figured this was a pretty solid way to officially start off my first blog post. You can't really start a journey without goals!

As a super important person in my life recently reminded me, I'm a very goal oriented person. I constantly need to be motivated by something. Monthly sales goals at work are a stronger driving force than the paychecks I make.

BUT back to the point. These goals aren't all health related. It's super important- I think- to have varying time lengths for your goals. So, after all that here are mine:

  • lose 5 more pounds by the time I go back to school January 5.
  • start saving money so that I'm not broke for the last 14 days of each pay period.

  • work out/exercise/be active for at least 45 minutes, 5 times a week.
  • keep up with my school work so I'm not swamped around finals (a goal every semester.......let's make it happen!!)
  • get my GPA up to JOMC standards

  • fit into a size 4 by July 27
  • form healthy habits that become second nature
  • start working out longer and longer each week that passes
  • graduate in May 2014
  • find a real world job

Now is when I have to figure out how to make all these happen. Prioritizing my goals like this should help from day-to-da decisions like "should I go to cinco?" to more significant decisions like "which of these internships should I pick?"

Happy Friday, everyone!

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