Saturday, December 22, 2012

Catching Up With Friends

Today was one of those days where I am reminded how awesome my life is. I had a chance to catch up with sweet friends from my high school lacrosse team and then went to watch one of my bestest friends try on wedding gowns. OBVI I cried. Because, let's be real, I cry all the time. Currently crying at Gossip Girl while I write this, actually. Sorry not sorry.

What with all the socializing and all, eating right was extra difficult today. I did get a bit of exercise in today when Briggs and I went on a nice walk around my neighborhood today. I didn't really eat a full lunch, but I haven't decided if that is more good than bad? 

ALSO, my mom and brother made home-made Chex mix which I had a few nibbles of before my GLAX reunion. So, so, so good. 

Some pics from this BEAUTIFUL day

Not sure whose house this is but loved how the sun looked!

Catch you fools later!

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