Monday, February 11, 2013


Well......oops. I'm like, really good at this whole blogging thing apparently. BUT now that Kerry and I are team South Beach I guess I can hop back on board with this thing. 

Team South Beach (pre South Beach duh)

If you want a summary of what's been goin down since I last blogged, check my Twitter out. (attn family..DO NOT check my twitter out). It's been pretty crazy since the big change and I have certainly been having fun. But now it's time to buckle down and get shit done

In the past week I have lost 2 pounds (almost to Regina status) though so that's fun! I have also lost my voice and my sunglasses.

Basically, phase 1 of South Beach (from what Kerry's told me. She's done it before so she's the pro) says that you can't eat carbs or sugar for two weeks. You aren't supposed to drink alcohol at all or eat more than 30 nuts a day but sometimes a girl needs a beer or one extra pistachio. Hey, like I initially said when I made this blog, slow process/changing lifestyle. 

Even if I goof up and have nine one margarita at dinner or let myself eat extra almonds, I know it's a million times better than what I normally eat. I am eating less, quantity-wise, and much better quality-wise. A normal day in the office consists of my eating no real food and a boatload of peanut butter M&Ms and Junior Mints out of my boss' office. Then when work ends I would continue with the IV of sugar into my bloodstream and Mexican food. Now I'm packing lunches with Kerry and cooking our own dinners.

I've been extra good about keeping up with my workouts though! I found a "fat blasting workout" on Pinterest that I've been doing every day along with 30 minutes of cardio. The cardio isn't really happening every day but man do I blast that fat like it's my job! 

I also found a lot of inspiration quotes on Pinterest that have all had their turn as my iPhone background. My favorite one/most used one is the one about not being remembered as the fat friend. I'm conceited confident enough to know that I am/should be the hot friend, so why shouldn't everyone else think so? Here's a couple of them in case you want to steal them. Who am I to judge?

After today's workout I finally realized how true this is


One of my all time favorite ad campaigns



The journey begins and dis chick is about to be HOT

I'm going to try and keep up with this a lot more but I probably won't be posting all of them to Facebook because I don't wanna be "that blog girl" but you know as soon as I have a rockin bod I'm going to a) get a spray tan b) celebrate with a vodka seltzer and c) post pics of me/my hot bod doing active things like running or walking from the car to the Cinco de Mayo patio.